La Tigra is just a short bus ride up the mountain from Teguc, but it might as well be a world away. The bus would have been impossible to locate without the help of a local family who drove us to a gas station near the Guanacaste area of the city. We were sitting comfortably on our school bus when a group of 50 boys joined us on board with their scout leaders. I went from my own seat to 3 of us with one of the kids riding on my lap!

Once at the end of the road in El Hatillo, we got a ride to the park entrance up a steep hill. We hiked to the Cascades (waterfall) and across the park to San Juancito in about 5 1/2 hours with breaks. On our descent, we walked through lovely El Rosario, the first town in Central America to receive electricity during the mining boom. Now all that's booming in El Rosario is the reggeaton from one of the two pupuserias (store/cafes) on the hill. La Tigra is a breathtaking and I can't wait to return!